Waste management sustainable and environmentally correct: RSU 0%

August 11, 2023

Since 2021, Vitopel Argentina and Geocycle from the Holcim group have been working with the disposal of similar urban waste (MSW) through the environmentally safe integration of the waste generated by the industry. These residues are used as inputs for another production process.

In 2022, only 40% of the MSW generated in the sanitary burial site was disposed of.

In July 2023 the disposal of MSW sanitary burial is 0% 0%.

The co-processing technique, waste is used as an alternative fuel instead of natural gas, in Holcim's cement kilns, to produce cement.

The emissions into the atmosphere are controlled and released when they reach the conditions established in the legal parameters authorized by the Córdoba Environment Secretary

It is an environmentally sustainable and economically viable alternative for the treatment and recovery of waste given the strict operating and monitoring parameters that are carried out throughout the process.

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