INNOVATION: Sustainable energy system

October 16, 2023

Vitopel Argentina reforzando su compromiso socioambiental, lleva adelante una inversión en energías renovables. Esta nueva tecnología, utiliza la energía solar fotovoltaica como un aporte para bajar la huella de carbono y disminuir el cambio climático.

This project consists of a sustainable energy system that allows present development without putting that of future generations at risk since photovoltaic solar energy does not emit toxic substances or air pollutants, and does not generate waste that can be harmful to the environment. environment and the human being.   

 In this first stage of the project, the energy generated will provide the equivalent used to supply the Cast film production line. 

#VitopelArgentina #EnergíasRenovables #RenewableEnergy #CompromisoAmbiental #EnvironmentalCommitment #EnergíaSolar #SolarEnergy #HuellaDeCarbono #CarbonFootprint #CambioClimático #ClimateChange #Sostenibilidad #Sustainability #MedioAmbiente #Environment #Packaging #EnergíaRenovable #RenewablePower #InversiónSostenible #SustainableInvestment

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